
hww is a team of experts: lawyers, auditors, tax consultants, restructurers and insolvency administrators. Whoever you approach or whoever is recommended to you, they will bring together a team of professionals for your needs who will contribute to your success in the best possible way - no matter what situation your company is in. Due to the size of the hww group and our decades of experience in the restructuring market, we also have one of the best partner networks to fall back on when further specialist know-how is required. For example, we can draw on our cooperation partners in the hww network in over 30 countries worldwide to answer your questions about your foreign affiliates.

Whether international market upheaval, digitization, financing or a succession problem...we at hww can intervene at any time with our special know-how and experience from thousands of cases and secure the future of the company together with you.

By the way: even if, for legal reasons, insolvency has to be applied for as part of a self-administration scheme, this is only one way of using our legal knowledge and many years of insolvency know-how to achieve the optimum result for the company, the entrepreneur and all parties involved. This is regularly the preservation of the respective, reorganized enterprise.